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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Queensland Guide to Smart Motorways (QGSM)


The Queensland Guide to Smart Motorways (QGSM) is issued under the authority of Section 166 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (Qld). The contents of QGSM are issued as 'approved notices' under Section 166(2) of this Act.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has adopted Austroads Guide to Smart Motorways (AGSM) 2016 as part of national harmonisation. As a result, the QGSM will only provide requirements and recommendations specific to Queensland and take precedence over the equivalent Austroads Part (except where the Austroads is accepted without changes). 

The QGSM initial release replaces the following documents, all of which are now withdrawn:

  • Road Planning and Design Manual (RPDM) Vol 5, ITS
  • Queensland Guide to Traffic Management (QGTM) Part 9: Design Guidelines for the provision of managed motorways ramp signalling
  • QGTM Part 10: Permanent placement of Variable Speed Limit and Lane Control signs for motorways, long bridges and tunnels guideline
  • ITS placement guideline
  • Technical Note 123 – Flow Charts for Selection of Gantries for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Devices (September 2014)

Harmonisation of the QGSM will affect Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management and Delivery Division, local government authorities, contractors and consultants. All users will need to refer to both the QGSM and AGSM.

Queensland Guide to Smart Motorways (QGSM) (Harmonised)

An amendment register records changes to the harmonised QGSM.

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For feedback or enquires about QGSM, please email Technical Publications.

Last updated 27 March 2024